Thursday, December 26, 2013


Hello world,

Or more appropriately, hello to those of you who have access to a computer, read English, and decided to stop on my little piece of the internet.

My friend, Suzanne, at Crunchy Green Mom has been trying to get me to blog for years.  The problem is, I'm very selective.  I don't find much on the internet witty, amusing, intelligent, or fun enough to distract me from all the other . .  distractions I distract myself with.  So, when I sit down to write a blog, I want it to WOW people.  I want to have 100,000 followers within three months.  Jimmy Kimmell and me smoking a blunt and laughing backstage at how quickly I gained fame as an internet sensation!  And, unfortunately, that just don't happen often.  I'm not brilliant, beautiful, or rich so I don't have much of a leg up.  I'm not complaining, I have an amazing life with my soulmates, wonderful children, loyal friends, a good job, and a healthy belief in the afterlife.  I'm just saying I'm not a Kennedy.  Then again, I'm alive.  So . . . you know; trade off.

Quite honestly, then, the reason I didn't want to write a blog was that I had a vested interest in people finding me unique, funny, intelligent.  I want issuances of praise and people waiting to log on in the morning to see my blog and  . . . basically? I'm a praise whore.  Whether through being a momma's boy my whole life or just my insecure nature as having grown up a fat kid in the world of beautiful people, California, I care, way too much, for others acceptance and approval of everything I do.  For those of you who do not share this specific affliction, let me assure you it makes you constantly second guess everything you do, ESPECIALLY when you are doing it in an arena in which you are new and know you will never be best and even if there were a best, and you COULD attain it, you could only hold it for a short time until the next big thing comes along! (I loves me some runon sentences!)

However . . .

We now live in an age where you do not need to be the greatest warrior, or the most intelligent philosopher, or the funniest playwright to become remembered.  As I transmit these words, they are put forth into the universe and with data backups and copy/paste, regurgitated internet rhetoric, tagword manipulation, it's possible that my idiotic rants may exist forever!  FOREVER!!!!!  This is my imortality.

This is another form of my ascendency.

And should I help someone, or make someone laugh, or challenge someone's world view . . .  then bonus!

They say "If you only change the world for one person, you have made a difference."  So, I'll aim low and shoot for that!  Fuck being popular!  I won't be a blockbuster, I'll be an indie film that four people watch and compare to others.  Maybe if I'm lucky I'll hit cult status and have some people tattoo my face on their ass!  That's big time!

But alas, for now, you can read on   ..  . wander by . . . or  . . . do whatever the hell you want because in the end . . . it's what we all do.

Hopefully this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship . . .

The Fool

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